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Thank you for your interest in applying for the Servant Partners 20 Month Urban Internship.  For more information, you can e-mail or call Joel Kimsey (604) 379-6021.   



A Word About the Application

Please use this application not only to apply for the Servant Partners Internship, but to be a guide and a processing and discernment tool.  We hope that you will learn something about yourself, about us, and about God in the process. You are welcome to call to talk more about the application or the internship if questions come up as you are working on the application.


Note that we are not looking for the “perfect Christian.”  We are looking for mature and sturdy believers in Jesus who are in a process with Jesus and His heart for the world, for the lost, and for the poor.  Inexperience in one area, or theological questions in another, are not issues that will prevent you from taking part in the internship—they are, however, helpful for both you and us to know as we process together.  To that end, please answer as honestly as you can. 


We see you as a valuable part of our family and look forward to getting to know you through this, whether or not the end result (for whatever reason) is your participation in the internship.  Thank you for your application and for this opportunity to learn more about you and hear stories of God’s goodness through your life.


Application Instructions

The following items must be submitted before your application for the Servant Partners Internship can be processed. 


  • Online Application Form: If possible, please complete this application on a computer. Be sure to answer all of the questions.​

    • There are four (4) sections to the online application that need to be filled out by the applicant: General Information, Education/Work Experience, Christian Character, Miscellaneous

    • There are three (3) reference forms to be filled out by the appropriate reference.

  • Email a recent photo of yourself to Joel Kimsey (


A paper copy of the application can be found here. If you need to fill out a paper form please mail them to:


Servant Partners Internship Program

c/o Joel Kimsey

414 Alexander St. 

Vancouver, BC V6A 1C5



  • Confidential Reference Forms: If possible, all of your references should have known you for two years.

    • See the Reference Forms Tab below

    • The staff worker of your fellowship OR a pastor/missions chairperson of your home church

    • A (current or former) employer

    • A (current or former) roommate

    • Give them to the appropriate people (note that the type of reference is noted at the top of each form).  You will have best results if you give your references a requested deadline and if they have at least 2 weeks to complete it before your deadline (see below).

    • Your references should complete the forms and send them directly to the Internships Administrator​​

General Informatio
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